The Stacks

Index to the Apocrypha

This page aims to be the definitive guide to where all Faction Paradox-related deuterocanonical writings can be found. As much as we can, we will archive on this very site. Last updated 2013 August 30.

Archived on this site

Title Author Type Size Format Crossover (if any)
Between Fire and Shadow Ushas the Rani Fiction 34K HTML -
By Their Deeds Lawrence Burton Fiction 40K HTML -
Faction Paradox Emcee Paradox Audio 6.4M MP3 audio Original song
Flatline LBD Audio 6.9M M4A audio Original song
Hanging Chads Jonathan Dennis Fiction 10K HTML Originally appeared in Walking in Eternity
Raising Hell Ushas the Rani Fiction 19K HTML -
Recorded Report Curufea Audio 2.4M WAV audio Fan recording of deleted scene from The Eleven-Day Empire audio play
Seconds James Hornby Fiction 14K HTML -
She Doesn't Exist Jonathan Dennis Fiction 31K HTML Originally appeared in Myth Makers 13
The Sisters of Paradox Robert A. Black Fiction 332K (in six parts) RTF Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 8DA
The Skull and the Soldier Louise Sellers Fiction 153K HTML Primeval
This Thing of Ours Lawrence Burton Fiction 70K HTML -
To Captain Reginald Tate Ushas the Rani Fiction 15K HTML -
Unlimited Ian McIntire Fiction 44K HTML Originally appeared in Perfect Timing 2
We Are the Faction Cousin Doloras Filk 4K HTML Motörhead

Archived elsewhere (external links)

Title Author Type Format Crossover (if any) Notes
Dark Planet, The (part 1) Claire Chaplin Fiction HTML 8DA -
Dark Planet, The (part 2) Claire Chaplin Fiction HTML 8DA unfinished
Faction Roleplaying Curufea RPG materials Wiki - -
In the beginning... Cyvros Fiction HTML 8DA -
Intyference, Book One: Shlock Tictacs Cameron Mason Parody HTML 8DA -
Intyference, Book Two: Hour of the Nerd Cameron Mason Parody HTML 8DA -
Iris Wildthyme in the City of the Saved Philip Purser-Hallard Novel proposal HTML 8DA -
A Matter of Time Cousin Zagreus Drabble blog HTML - -
Sprial Politic RPG Kun Rgyu RPG materials Forum thread - -
Unification Theory Philip Purser-Hallard Fiction HTML 8DA Incorporates elements from The Vampire Curse
The War (Apocryphal Texts) Jake J. Johnson Drabble blog HTML -- Addenda to The Book of the War

Print materials not currently online

Title Author Appeared in
Don't Mention the War! John Elledge Walking in Eternity
Grandmother Clause Phil Pascoe Lifedeath
Interlude Peter Anghelides and Stephen Cole the original opening to the BBC novel The Ancestor Cell
Fiction Paradox Damon Cavalchini Missing Pieces
The Nights Are Long, and Dreams Are Legion Mags L. Halliday Myth Makers 14
Mr Saldaaamir Lance Parkin Myth Makers 13 (rejected entry for The Book of the War)

Other Faction Paradox inspired works

Title Author Format Notes
The Remote, the Cold Hero of a Hundred Fights Audio EP Includes songs "The Celestis" and "Faction Paradox"

We appeal to our readers to let us know of the existence of any other Faction Paradox-related fanwork. Please see our Submissions page for clarification on what we're looking for, and how to get in touch with us. Alternatively, make a post on the FP forum.

This is an unauthorised and unofficial fansite. Faction Paradox is created and owned by Lawrence Miles and licensed to Random Static Publishing and Magic Bullet Productions. All characters and situations depicted herein are copyright their respective owners and/or creators, whose moral and legal rights we cherish and uphold.